Sommelier announcement 09/24/2021: Mysten Labs AMA And Sips Are Coming!

:clinking_glasses: SOMMELIER COMMUNITY :clinking_glasses:

Sommelier has partnered with Mysten Labs, founded by Evan Cheng who was previously the senior director at Novi Research (Facebook), to deliver high-speed transaction throughput upgrades to Sommelier. Join Taariq Lewis @taariqlewis & Zaki Manian @zakimanian as they talk to Evan Cheng and walk us through all the improvements the recent partnership will bring to Sommelier and the Cosmos.

:date: Date: Sep 28, 08:30AM PT / 3:30PM UTC
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Countdown:
:globe_with_meridians: Twitter Spaces:

:wine_glass: THE SOMMELIER PROTOCOL :wine_glass:

Sommelier mainnet continues to run smoothly with validator processing blocks! You know you want to see the network alive and we’ll have that ready as we announce Sommelier mainnet this coming WEDNESDAY 09/29 at 10:30AM PDT. The community will be able to see the network alive and we’ll get ready for network governance!

:grapes: WHAT PAIRS ARE YOU BULLISH ON? :grapes:

PAIRINGS for Uniswap v3 is at Over $8MM in Fees collected and distributed to nearly 900 Sommeliers.Thank you community! Pairings Gas Estimate Errors get another fix today with an update to make gas fee estimates manual. You get more control and less errors. Special thanks to @devrango and Lucky Odisetti for pushing the :wine_glass:.

REMEMBER: Sommelier is in alpha. Sommelier’s smart contracts are unaudited. Sommelier is non-custodial and has no warranties. We also do not endorse any pools that we share on our channels. Pools may be compromised and things on Sommelier break all the time and you may lose your money. We are not giving you investment advice with this update and Sommelier does not control your funds. Again, all our software is alpha and undergoing daily updates and things can break all the time!