Sommelier Announcement 09/28/2021: Sommelier Announces Stable Mainnet

:clinking_glasses: SOMMELIER COMMUNITY :clinking_glasses:
Join us tomorrow for a Mainnet themed Twitter Spaces event with Taariq Lewis @lewist1, Zaki Manian @Zaki Jack Zampolin @jackzampolin as we go deep down the Sommelier Mainnet Rabbit hole and talk about the launch Sommelier’s Gravity Bridge.

:date: Date: Sep 29, 08:30AM PT / 3:30PM UTC
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Countdown:

Did you miss the last Sommeliers Twitter Space where we talked about the Mysten Labs Partnership and what it brings to the Sommelier Protocol and the wider Cosmos?

You can find the Transcript and Recording below :small_red_triangle_down:

:scroll: Transcript:
:record_button: Recording: Sommelier Liquidity AMA with Taariq Lewis, Zaki Manian, Jack Zampolin - YouTube

:wine_glass: THE SOMMELIER PROTOCOL :wine_glass:
We announce two weeks of stable mainnet running with the initial validator set. We continue to work on testing deployment of cellar contracts that will be managed by the Sommelier Gravity Bridge. Delegators are asked to start delegating their SOMM tokens to the validator set for upcoming governance testing. Let’s Go!

:grapes: WHAT PAIRS ARE YOU BULLISH ON? :grapes:
PAIRINGS for Uniswap v3 is at Sommelier now has slippage tolerance of 5% implemented for low liquidity pools. If you see reverted transactions, it may be due to very low liquidity.

REMEMBER: Sommelier is in alpha. Sommelier’s smart contracts are unaudited. Sommelier is non-custodial and has no warranties. We also do not endorse any pools that we share on our channels. Pools may be compromised and things on Sommelier break all the time and you may lose your money. We are not giving you investment advice with this update and Sommelier does not control your funds. Again, all our software is alpha and undergoing daily updates and things can break all the time!