Sommelier Announcement 09/22/2021: Introducing Sommelier Community and Successful Mainnet Restart

:clinking_glasses: SOMMELIER COMMUNITY :clinking_glasses:
The Sommelier protocol software has features that enable the Sommelier Community of users to propose and run a governance of the software itself so that the protocol broadens community participation and grows the network.

Learn more:

Sommelier network decision-making is driven by the Sommelier community, and we want to invite everyone to these Governance discussions on our newly launched Community Forum:

:wine_glass: THE SOMMELIER PROTOCOL :wine_glass:
The Sommelier Network of validators running the Sommelier Protocol have completed a successful restart of the Sommelier Network! Six validators are now processing Sommelier blocks on the Sommelier chain and are successfully tracking the Sommelier smart contract on Ethereum of the Sommelier Gravity Bridge. Congratulations to @Zaki, Jack Zampolin and the validators that brought the network online. Sommelier mainnet continues smoothly.

REMEMBER: Sommelier is in alpha. Sommelier’s smart contracts are unaudited. Sommelier is non-custodial and has no warranties. We also do not endorse any pools that we share on our channels. Pools may be compromised and things on Sommelier break all the time and you may lose your money. We are not giving you investment advice with this update and Sommelier does not control your funds. Again, all our software is alpha and undergoing daily updates and things can break all the time!