Idea to allocate part of treasury for early app users

Hi, Sommeliers🍷
As many others I used Sommelier app for lping v2 and v3, we gave feedbacks, finding bugs, paid big eth fees.

Maybe it will be a good idea to allocate part of treasury(OnChain Governance) for early users of Sommelier app?

This will help to involve early adopters in project, to feel part of it and will start real governace, where more people will have vote power.

What do you think?


Hey! Let’s include ATOM holders so we get some people to the community :grinning:


Fair proposal. A percentage of the tokens can be allocated to LPs that used the app…the rest of the tokens should be farmed by providing LP so that more people will use the sommelier app.


Is there a governance token? :thinking:
That’s coming down the line??

I find this proposail joyful and fair. Am totally supporting it.


This is a great proposal.This could allow early participants to drive the project faster.

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I think this is a good approach to support earlier users who took risk and provided insights to the team.

Great Stuff, thanks for sharing the information