[SIPS-123] Upcoming Turbo rsETH Proposal

[SIPS-123] Upcoming Turbo rsETH Proposal


The goal of this forum post is to discuss the upcoming Cellar proposal asking Governance to accept the Turbo rsETH strategy on Ethereum Mainnet.


Kelp DAO is one of the largest liquid restaking token providers with over $400M in TVL. We see an opportunity in bringing Sommelier’s liquidity provisioning capabilities to the Kelp community with an rsETH focused vault.

The vault will accept WETH and rsETH as deposit assets, and take exposure to the following protocols:

  • Uniswap V3
  • Morpho Blue
  • Balancer
  • Curve

Proposal for cellar authorization for strategy Turbo RSETH

If approved, the chain will accept signed function calls submitted to the cellar contract from the strategy provider.

Name: Turbo RSETH

Cellar share token: TurboRSETH

Strategy providers: Seven Seas Capital

Deployment: TBD

Platform fee: 1% (0.85% for strategy provider + 0.15% for protocol)

Performance fee: 20% (17% for strategy provider, 3% for protocol)

The contract has been deployed here: CellarWithOracleWithBalancerFlashLoansWithMultiAssetDepositWithNativeSupport | Address 0x1dffb366b5c5A37A12af2C127F31e8e0ED86BDbe | Etherscan