[SIPS-070] Upcoming Proposal to add DAI Savings Rate Support to Real Yield USD

[SIPS-070] Upcoming Proposal to add DAI Savings Rate Support to Real Yield USD

The purpose of this forum post is to discuss the upcoming proposal to add DAI Savings Rate support to Real Yield USD.

The MakerDAO community recently approved and executed an increase in the DSR, bringing yields up to 8%. As a relatively low-risk yield opportunity, we believe it should be a supported yield source in Real Yield USD.

This post will be updated with the relevant adaptor deployments and audit report prior to the proposal going live. The DSR adaptor is a modification of the existing Cellar Adaptor (which allows Cellars to take positions in other Cellars). As a result, the adaptor enables Cellars to interact with the ERC4626 SavingsDAI (sDAI) vault position

The existing Cellar Adaptor (which enables Cellars to take positions in other Cellars) supports DSR as a position (because it is ERC4626 compatible).
Link to audit which covers this scope: Sommelier A-10 | Macro Audits | The 0xMacro Library

The live Cellar Adaptor is at address: CellarAdaptor | Address 0x3B5CA5de4d808Cd793d3a7b3a731D3E67E707B27 | Etherscan