[SIPS-104] Upcoming Morpho ETH Maximizer Proposal

[SIPS-104] Upcoming Morpho ETH Maximizer Proposal


The goal of this forum post is to discuss the upcoming Cellar proposal asking Governance to accept the Morpho ETH Maximizer strategy.


Morpho Blue is a new lending primitive that enables permissionless creation of efficient lending markets.

The protocol has surpassed $45M in TVL within two weeks of launching, and has several exciting integrations with liquid staking and restaking tokens coming soon.

We see a significant opportunity to build a vault on top of Morpho Blue that taps into its growing set of lending markets and higher efficiency for leverage.

The Morpho ETH Maximizer vault optimizes ETH-denominated yield by employing a combination of lending optimization and leveraged staking.

The vault will initially support the stETH lending market (currently the only live market) but will add support for new LSTs/LRTs as they are integrated (e.g. osETH and eETH).

The vault will accept stETH, wstETH, and WETH as deposit assets.

Proposal for cellar authorization for strategy Morpho ETH Maximizer

If approved, the chain will accept signed function calls submitted to the cellar contract from the strategy provider.

This post will be updated with the deployment of the newly developed Morpho Blue adaptor

Name: Morpho ETH Maximizer

Cellar share token: MaxMorphoETH

Strategy providers: Seven Seas Capital

Deployment: CellarWithOracleWithBalancerFlashLoansWithMultiAssetDepositWithNativeSupport | Address 0xcf4B531b4Cde95BD35d71926e09B2b54c564F5b6 | Etherscan

Platform fee: 1% (0.85% for strategy provider + 0.15% for protocol)

Performance fee: 20% (17% for strategy provider, 3% for protocol)

The Morpho Blue adaptors have been deployed here: