[SIPS-016 & 017] Upcoming Patache Digital SteadyETH/BTC Cellar Proposals

Upcoming Patache Digital Steady ETH/BTC Cellar Proposals


The goal of this forum post is to discuss the upcoming proposals asking Governance to accept the Cellar smart contracts for Patache Digital strategies:

  1. SteadyETH
  2. SteadyBTC

The two proposals will be submitted simultaneously next week. Both of the two strategies will use the same smart contract source code.


Patache is a strategy development team with a background in traditional finance and risk management. For more background on Patache, see this post: Strategy Provider Spotlight: Patache Digital

Patache’s strategies are built on proprietary quantitative algorithms as a base and combined with layers of risk analysis. Our research and products emphasize principal protection and steady, consistent returns while pursuing occasional “home runs”. In addition, our efforts are focused on creating algorithms that are autodidactic that will drive better adherence to individual risk preferences.

The algorithm provides a trading edge by predicting large changes in prices a day in advance. It will also generate corresponding entry thresholds preceding such a “price break out”. For trade action on the following day the algorithm will utilize the above-mentioned entry thresholds to initiate the “Workhorse” trade order and “Racehorse” trade order. Each trade order comes with a pre-defined trade risk and capital allocation of e.g. 1.25% (each) which is used to determine the trade order quantity.

We wanted to take the opportunity to discuss these upcoming proposals with the community before the vote formally takes place next week. We are happy to answer any questions the community may have.

The two strategies will be executed on-chain by 7Seas on behalf of Patache as part of 7Seas’ strategy integration services. See the two proposals below for more information.

1. Proposal for cellar authorization for strategy SteadyETH

This proposal is for the authorization of the SteadyETH Cellar. The strategy for the cellar is provided by Patache.

SteadyETH is a long-only strategy that aims to predict large price changes in ETH, and capitalize on those predictions while ensuring long-term capital preservation. It accomplishes this by only risking a small percentage of the portfolio on any given trade. Backtesting results for SteadyETH are given in the table below. Note that backtesting results represent hypothetical performance, and historical performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Backtesting Results

Beginning Cellar Value 500,000
Period Period Tested: May 2021 - September 2022.
First Trade 5/7/2021
Last Trade 9/10/2022
No. of Trades 72
Winning Trades/Losing Trades 40 wins/32 losses (55%/45%)
Best Month 8%
Worst Month -2.5%
Worst Loss (Single Trade) -6,838 on 3/31/2022
Worst Drawdown (Peak to trough) 7.55%
Cumulative Profit 46.6%
Annualized Mean Return 27.8%
Annualized Std.Dev of Return 10.4%
Annualized Sharpe Ratio 267%

For more details on the mechanics of the SteadyETH strategy, see the post: Patache Steady Strategy Light Dive | by Sommelier Finance | Nov, 2022 | Medium

We are planning on publishing further details and descriptions of the strategy over the coming weeks and through the launch.

If approved, the chain will accept signed function calls submitted to the cellar contract from the cellar manager.

Name: Steady ETH

Cellar share token: SteadyETH

Platform fee: 2% (1.5% for strategy provider + 0.5% for protocol)

Performance fee: 10% (7.5% for strategy provider + 2.5% for protocol)

Strategy provider: Patache Digital (https://twitter.com/PatacheDigital)

Cellar managed by: 7Seas https://www.7seas.capital/)

Cellar address: 0x3F07A84eCdf494310D397d24c1C78B041D2fa622

Etherscan: Cellar | Address 0x3F07A84eCdf494310D397d24c1C78B041D2fa622 | Etherscan

Source: cellar-contracts/Cellar.sol at main · PeggyJV/cellar-contracts · GitHub 1

Audits (Macro): Sommelier A-3 | Macro Audits | The 0xMacro Library 2

The strategy for the cellar is provided by Patache, including strategy development, continuous maintenance, and signal generation. 7Seas Capital has developed tooling and infrastructure as per Governance proposal SIPS-012 and will manage the proposed Cellar. Management of the Cellar means that 7Seas will act as an intermediary institution by providing strategy integration services to Patache, including forwarding strategy signals generated by Patache to be submitted on-chain for execution.

2. Proposal for cellar authorization for strategy SteadyBTC

This proposal is for the authorization of the SteadyBTC Cellar. The strategy for the cellar is provided by Patache.

SteadyBTC is a long-only strategy that aims to predict large price changes in BTC, and capitalize on those predictions while ensuring long-term capital preservation. It accomplishes this by only risking a small percentage of the portfolio on any given trade. Backtesting results for SteadyBTC are given in the table below. Note that backtesting results represent hypothetical performance, and historical performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Backtesting Results

Beginning Cellar Value 500,000
Period Period Tested: May 2021 -September 2022.
First Trade 6/11/2021
Last Trade 9/29/2022
No. of Trades 58
Winning Trades/Losing Trades 34 wins/24 losses (58%/42%)
Best Month 6.3%
Worst Month -2.6%
Worst Loss (Single Trade) -7,523on 6/21/2022
Worst Drawdown (Peak to trough) 5.21%
Cumulative Profit 38.1%
Annualized Mean Return 23.4%
Annualized Std.Dev of Return 10.4%
Annualized Sharpe Ratio 226%

For more details on the mechanics of the SteadyBTC strategy, see the post: Patache Steady Strategy Light Dive | by Sommelier Finance | Nov, 2022 | Medium

We are planning on publishing further details and descriptions of the strategy over the coming weeks and through the launch.

If approved, the chain will accept signed function calls submitted to the cellar contract from the cellar manager.

Name: Steady BTC

Cellar share token: SteadyBTC

Platform fee: 2% (1.5% for strategy provider + 0.5% for protocol)

Performance fee: 10% (7.5% for strategy provider + 2.5% for protocol)

Strategy provider: Patache Digital (https://twitter.com/PatacheDigital)

Cellar managed by: 7Seas https://www.7seas.capital/)

Cellar address: 0x4986fD36b6b16f49b43282Ee2e24C5cF90ed166d

Etherscan: Cellar | Address 0x4986fD36b6b16f49b43282Ee2e24C5cF90ed166d | Etherscan

Source: cellar-contracts/Cellar.sol at main · PeggyJV/cellar-contracts · GitHub 1

Audits (Macro): Sommelier A-3 | Macro Audits | The 0xMacro Library 2

The strategy for the cellar is provided by Patache, including strategy development, continuous maintenance, and signal generation. 7Seas Capital has developed tooling and infrastructure as per Governance proposal SIPS-012 and will manage the proposed Cellar. Management of the Cellar means that 7Seas will act as an intermediary institution by providing strategy integration services to Patache, including forwarding strategy signals generated by Patache to be submitted on-chain for execution.

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